Hello classmates, in this last blog I will talk about some of the changes I would make to my career.
The main change I would make would be the place. The building of the arts faculty, which is where I study when we have face-to-face classes, is in bad condition because it is an old building, on the one hand the rooms are not enough for the amount of students that there are and on the other hand, they do not respond to the special needs of the career. 
In relation to the subjects that are within the career, I would like that so much importance is not given to the academic disciplines of the dance, for example, the ballet. I think it is an important basis within the training but I don't think it requires so many hours of practice, besides, there are other subjects in which you can go much deeper, such as contemporary technique. The academic load is quite strong in the career, our bodies are sometimes exhausted by the hours we spend in classes and I think that is another important point that I would like to change or rather, improve. Currently, the load has become heavy because of all the hours we spend in front of the computer and the space in which we move, which is not suitable for making sentences or explorations, and sometimes we do not even have enough to move comfortably. 
To finish this blog, I think these are the main areas that I would like to improve in the career, because with some exceptions, I have not seen big problems in the methodologies or other areas, the main problems are given by what I mentioned before.  Well that's all, I hope you are well, bye!


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